How to Tips for Planting Tulip Bulbs

Below is the simple process on how you can process and plant tulip bulbs for your own garden.

The Brown Hill Farms Tulip field during tulip season.
  1. Remove Roots and Outer Shell
    Remove the roots and the main outer shell, do not remove the inner shell that is protecting the bulb. There are several smaller bulbs wrapped inside the main shell.
  2. Dry Your Bulbs
    It’s very important to dry the bulbs on a flat surface, a nice breeze on a sunny day is usually perfect. After they have dried, store them in a cool dry place.
  3. Plant Your Tulip Bulbs
    Plant your bulbs in mid-October – November. Plant tulip bulbs with the tip up and cover with about 3-4 inches of soil. Plant bulbs 3 inches apart.

Love tulips? Be sure to join us during our Tulip Season for a beautiful 4-acre harvest of brilliantly colorful tulips! Don’t forget to follow us on Facebook and Instagram for even more tulip tips!

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